The R Rated Blogger

How The MPs Voted On The Motion To Reopen The Same-sex Marriage Issue

306 MPs were eligible to vote on the motion "to introduce legislation to restore the traditional definition of marriage without affecting civil unions and while respecting existing same-sex marriages.".

The final results were 175-123 against the motion. Majority of the time MP's vote with their party. Rarely they break rank. In this vote both the Liberals and the Conservative leaders gave their MPs the OK to vote as they wish.

13 Conservative MPs broke with their party to vote against the motion. They are left to right.

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John Baird
Lawrence Cannon
Bill Casey
Michael Chong
David Emerson
Gerald Keddy
Peter MacKay
Fabian Manning
James Moore
Christian Paradis
Jim Prentice
Lee Richardson
Josee Verner

13 Liberal MPs broke with their party to vote in favour of the motion. They are left to right.

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Ray Bonin
Gerry Byrne
Roy Cullen
Jim Karygiannis
Walid Khan
Derek Lee
Gurbax Malhi
John Mckay
Dan McTeague
Francis Scarpaleggia
Paul Steckle
Alan Tonks
Tom Wappel

While all the MPs of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and Bloc Quebecois voted against the motion. (Source)

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