The R Rated Blogger

Stephen Harper Recognizes Gender Equality And Upholds The Rights Of Women

Ceremonies were held across Canada today to mark the 17th anniversary of the massacre that occurred at the Ecole polytechnique at University of Montreal. Fourteen women were killed on December, 6th 1989, simply because they were women. Since 1991, December 6th is Canada's National Day of Commemoration and Action on Violence Against Women.

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The following is the text of a statement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the occasion of Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women 2006.

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Oh Steve. Since when?

the mandate for Status of Women has been drastically changed (by the Conservatives), with the word "equality" being taken out and replaced with "participation, reduced the agency’s budget by 38.5% (increasing to 40% by April 2007) and made changes to the mandate and funding rules which prohibit women’s organizations from engaging in advocacy or lobbying activities.

Of course, nationally, most feminist groups are working on issues of women's poverty, violence and health and will no longer receive Status of Women money to fight for women's equality. These new changes to the terms and conditions of funding will not only force the closure of feminist organizations across Canada. (source)

Only groups that promote women’s 'participation' in the social, economic and cultural life of their community will be funded.

The Harper government has also undermined gender equality by abolishing the Court Challenges Program and announcing there will be no new proactive pay equity law.

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