The R Rated Blogger

Marc Lépine Presented In A Play

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Adam Kelly, a Montreal artist is the first person to touch a taboo topic that exists in Canada. the shooting that occured École Polytechnique de Montréal,which left 14 women dead. He will be presenting a play based on this topic at McGill University.

The play recreates the course of Marc Lépine, the gunman in the slaughter that occured at the Polytechnic. The play contains only one character, Lepine and occurs in the year 2006, 17th anniversary of the tragedy.

The author of the play, Adam Kelly, ensures that his goal was neither to shock, to make a feminist plea, nor glorify Marc Lépine in some way. It is a tribute to the 14 victims, whose names are on the back of the playbook.

Interesting part of the play is the audience members will have to sit in two distinct groups, "a theatrical effect" to recall how Marc Lépine had asked the men to leave the class, while keeping the women hostage in the class.

You can read the rest of the article here. It's in French

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