The R Rated Blogger

Stephen Harper, Putting The Christ Back In Canada

A good article in The Nation titled Letter From Canada: The New Christian Right by Chris Hedges. The article chronicles Stephen Harper's plans to turn Canada a lot more American and a whole lot more Christian.

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Harper, who heads a minority government, is a member of the East Gate Alliance Church, part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a denomination with 400,000 members that believes in the literal word of the Bible, faith-healing and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Women cannot be ordained in his church, homosexuality is a sin and abortion is murder. Canada, however, is unused to public displays of faith, and Harper has had to tread more lightly than George Bush. But many fear the prime minister is taking a cue from the Bush Administration and slowly mobilizing Canada's 3.5 million evangelicals--along with the 44 percent of Canadians who say they have committed themselves to Christ--as a power base. Harper has spent the past three years methodically knitting a coalition of social conservatives and evangelicals that looks ominously similar to the American model.

Chris Hedges article mentions Marci McDonald's article in The Walrus; Stephen Harper and the Theo-cons, which is another great read. You can access the article for free by registering. It' is also worth checking out.

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