The R Rated Blogger

Rona Ambrose Is Embarrassing

Rona Ambrose is just embarrassing, airing domestic laundry at the international stage.

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At the United Nations conference on climate change Ambrose spoke briefly about the need for adaptation in Canada's Arctic communities that would be the most affected by climate change, but she offered no details about creating short-term targets to reduce the greenhouse gases that are believed to cause global warming.

Instead, she told the international community that her government inherited an "unacceptable situation" that left it far from Canada's Kyoto Protocol target to reduce greenhouse gases by six per cent below 1990 levels without an adequate plan to resolve the situation.

When will parties stop playing the blame game and actually solve a problem.

Rona Ambrose Is Fossil Of The Day
Rona Ambrose's Horrible Week
M.I.A. Rona

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