The R Rated Blogger

Canadians On Time Magazine Cover

All together, 23 Canadians have occupied the cover of Time Magazine. The last two being, Brian Mulroney, Sep. 17, 1984 and Pierre Tudeau (and René Lévesque), Feb. 13, 1978.

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The rest are as follows, numbering is from left to right.

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  1. William A.C. Bennett, Sep. 30, 1966
  2. Lester B. Pearson, Apr. 19, 1963
  3. John Diefenbaker, Aug. 5, 1957
  4. Clarence Decatur Howe, Feb. 4, 1952
  5. Louis St. Laurent, Sep. 12, 1949
  6. Barbara Ann Scott, Feb. 2, 1948
  7. Camillien Houde, Aug. 5, 1946
  8. William Mackenzie King, Jan. 7, 1946
  9. Sir Miles C. Dempsey, Mar. 19, 1945
  10. Lt. General Crerar, Sep. 18, 1944
  11. Sir Arthur T. Harris, Jun. 7, 1943
  12. General McNaughton, Aug. 10, 1942
  13. Earl of Athlone, Sep. 2, 1940
  14. Lord Beaverbrook, Nov. 28, 1938
  15. Mitchell F. Hepburn, Sep. 20, 1937
  16. Harry B. Housser, Apr. 5, 1937
  17. Governor General John Buchan, Oct. 21, 1935
  18. Earl of Bessborough, Jul. 25, 1932
  19. Richard B. Bennett, Jul. 28, 1930
  20. William Mackenzie King, Feb. 9, 1925
  21. Frederick G. Banting, Aug. 27, 1923

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