The R Rated Blogger

Belinda Stronach Responds To Ralph Klein's Comments

Belinda Stronach responds to Ralph Klein's comments.

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"We all have to improve the civility that occurs in public life, and in the House of Commons in particular, because we want to attract good people to participate in public life. We want to attract many more women to participate in politics," she told reporters.

"We only have about 20 per cent now. I've talked to many women across the country and they've said, `You know what, I don't know if I really want to participate if it's going to be so rough and nasty," she told reporters.

Stronach was in Montreal on Thursday for an international conference on global poverty, and she used the publicity from Klein's joke to focus on helping malaria patients.

"Ralph should put his money where his mouth is and buy a whole bunch of bednets to save kids from malaria in Africa," she said.

Meanwhile, Klein is refusing to apologize.

"I'm making no apologies," Klein told reporters Thursday. "I read the copy and I approved. I thought it was a funny line."

Video of Stronach's response here.

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