The R Rated Blogger

Attack On Rona Ambrose's Hair

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A daily newsletter distributed to delegates at the 12th annual conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is deemed "sexist and gratuitous" because it attacks the hair style of Rona Ambrose.

Here's a screen capture of the newsletter:

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The passages in the newsletter that people are finding offensive are these:

"She might have the best hair of any (conference of parties) president, but she will be remembered as the worst COP president in the history of the climate convention."

"Since assuming the presidency, Rona found time away from her hairdresser to show up for about 24 hours in Bonn in May this year for the SB24 meeting. But not enough for the pre-COP 12 meeting in Geneva or the G8+5 meeting in Mexico, where she just sent staff to meet with the many ministers. We were however impressed with the hair. Good hair, some might say even exceptional hair."

Ambrose hair attack `churlish, sexist,' critics say
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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