Interview With Martha Hall Findlay
0 Comments Published by The R Rated Blogger on Saturday, November 04, 2006 at 11:14 PM.

Ottawa Life Magazine’s interview with Martha Hall Findlay, the candidate everyone likes or everybody’s favorite second choice.
The larger question is: what are we using our military for? There is not a very strong anti-Canadian feeling in the world at large, so I don’t think we have to look at defending ourselves the way the Americans do. I agree that we need a well-funded military to deal with security and natural disasters here in Canada, but Canada needs to undertake a large-scale review of its defence and foreign policy. What exactly are we trying to accomplish in places like Afghanistan and Haiti? Where were we a year ago when the moderates in Lebanon marched in the streets and got rid of Syria? Canada should have been supporting the Cedar Revolution, encouraging that kind of peaceful and moderate approach. But we weren’t there to support that process of democratization and we ended up instead with Hizballah launching rockets into Israel from Lebanon.
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