The R Rated Blogger

The United Church of Canada's New Campaign

The United Church of Canada is launching a new advertising campaign in the hopes of starting a debate about controversial religious issues like gay marriage and sexual boundaries.

The campaign consist of ads pictured below will be featured in magazines, community newspapers and on the Internet.

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One of the advertisements shows a wedding cake with two groom figurines and asks the question: "Does anyone object?" Another advertisement shows a whipped cream bottle in the fridge along with the question: "How much fun can sex be before it's a sin?"

A third advertisement shows a child at a mall sitting on Jesus' lap instead of Santa Claus with the question: "Would you still take your kids? After all, isn't Christmas supposed to be about Him, not the guy in the red suit? Or can it be about both?"

If you want to check out the ads, you can do so at their website. You can check out more about the campaign here

Campaign aims to fill the pews
United Church launches racy advertising campaign

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