The R Rated Blogger

Michael Ignatieff, NDP = Ghetto

Iggy opens his mouth, Iggy inserts his foot.

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In response to Bob Rae's comments that he could draw NDP voters to the Liberals. Michael Ignatieff responded with the following words:

"Bob remains enduringly weak in Ontario" and that he would take the party left with a losing electoral strategy. "That's fishing in the wrong pond. That's the wrong strategy. He doesn't realize that Liberals fight the NDP in election after election. What Liberals need is someone who can run down the middle with a progressive message, and leave the NDP in their own particular ghetto."

NDP = Ghetto

1 Responses to “Michael Ignatieff, NDP = Ghetto”

  1. # Blogger CuriosityCat

    The Cat wonders if Ignatieff will shortly say he did not really consider his words carefully, and did not really mean what he said when he condemned 15% or more of Canadian voters by using emotionally charged words to describe them ...'

    And then we can all start wondering what the man really meant when he first said what he meant, now that he has changed his meaning.  

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