The R Rated Blogger

Ségolène Royal, The Globe And Mail's Sunshine Girl Of The Day

Today's Globe and Mail has an article on Ségolène Royal, a prominent member of the Socialist Party in France and the leading candidate for the party in France's 2007 presidential election.

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French politics is typically dominated by grey father figures who deliver elegantly structured, stentorian speeches about rigid policy planks.

Ségolène Royal seems to be none of that. What's intriguing about her is whether it is a secular miracle or a calculated act of political marketing, the phenomenon of Ségolène Royal has turned France on its head. The 53-year-old Socialist politician, who many believe could become the republic's first female president in next summer's elections

But what's with the The Globe and Mail's acoompanying photo and it's front page? What is she the Sunshine girl? You would expect this from the National Post.

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