The R Rated Blogger

Words Of Wisdom From Rona Ambrose

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With wisdom and insight like this, no wonder she is the Environment Minister.

The consumer side of this is a huge issue," Mr. Ambrose told a Senate committee. "Industry alone is not going to be able to solve this issue. Canadians have to make choices in their own homes: Turn off the lights more, use less water, buy more fuel-efficient vehicles, make those kinds of choices, and we need Canadians to co-operate with government to also step up to do this."

Ms. Ambrose said she's trying to lead by example.

"I'm trying to make small changes and big changes in my life," she said. "Buy a more fuel-efficient car, change all my lightbulbs to energy-efficient lightbulbs -- all the things in my home that my husband and I can try and do to make a difference. But we need every single Canadian to do that."

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