The R Rated Blogger

Bizarre Tribute To Paul Martin

Completely bizarre tribute to Paul Martin at the Liberal Convention last night in Montreal. Especially the serenading of Martin by Montreal soprano Natalie Choquette. Reading her bio probably explains her performance last night.

Who said opera was boring? Certainly not fans of Natalie Choquette, a remarkable diva who sings a Turandot aria decked out in hair curlers while munching on spaghetti, breaks into a classic Neapolitan while hanging her laundry on stage, files her nails while giving a superb rendition of “Summertime” or performs the death scene from La Traviata while doing a headstand on a grand piano!

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Just a weird choice for honoring a former PM. But Martin seems to have taken the performance in stride.

Martin gamely played along, kissing the proffered hand of Quebec diva Natalie Choquette, who inexplicably serenaded the crowd in Italian. Her routine, which included gargling with red wine, appeared to receive polite (and relieved) applause.

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