The R Rated Blogger

Michael Chong Quits The Conservative Party

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Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Michael Chong may have quit the Conservative Party due to PM Stephen Harper's motion to recognize Quebec as a nation, the Globe and Mail is reporting. Not really surprising since Chong wrote an editorial for the November 23, 2004 edition of the Globe and Mail titled, "Canadians without hyphens".

"Too often we talk about that which makes us different from each other, and not about what we have in common. Canada is not simply the disjunction of different groups, different peoples, and different regions. To be a Canadian is also to share in common something with every other person in this vast land.... We need to speak about a common Canadian identity and move beyond emphasizing our differences."

The article at that time was written in response to:

John Barber's suggestion that there were not enough Chinese-Canadian MPs representing areas with large Chinese populations. Chong noted he had been elected in a riding with a 97% caucasian population, while a candidate named McCallum had been elected in Markham—Unionville, which is more than 60% Asian. Chong wrote that these results reflected his idea of Canada, and encouraged the creation of a "common Canadian identity that will allow for greater understanding among ethnic groups".

Pay attention Canada.

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