The R Rated Blogger

Musharraf To Canadians: Stop Bitching

In an interview with CBC, Pakistanian president Pervez Musharraf had this to say about Canada when he was criticized that Pakistan is not doing their part in stopping the Taliban and other terrorists.

"We have suffered 500 casualties, Canadians may have suffered four or five. You suffer two dead and there's a cry and shout all around the base that there are coffins. Well, we've had 500 coffins."

Actually, there are 36 dead Canadian soldiers. But that's besides the point.

If you missed The Daily Show with Jon Stewart yesterday, Musharaff stopped by for some twinkies and tea. They also got around to talking about his new book, In the Line of Fire: A Memoir and the war on terror. You can watch the video here

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The last exchange between Jon Stewart and Musharaff is pretty funny.

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