The R Rated Blogger

Conrad Black Is A Freedom Fighting Canadian

So Conrad Black is actually taking action to get his Canadian Citizenship back.

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"I always said that I would take my citizenship back, and if it wasn't for all these legal problems, I would have done it by now," Lord Black told journalist Steve Paikin. "But I'm working on it, going through the normal channels like everyone else."

But didn't he once say his Canadian Citizenship was "an impediment to my progress in another more amenable jurisdiction (Britain)."

So are his current actions more amenable to progress in another jurisdiction. Namely the charges he faces in United States. I bet you he will get his citizenship before I get my replacement card back.

Oh yeah, he is also claiming to be a freedom fighter these days.

"I have settled into my new life as a freedom fighter. It's very interesting and it's quite stimulating, in a way, but it is an ordeal."

I am not sure fighting criminal charges relating to allegations that you and your former executives of Hollinger International Inc. took more than $80-million from a newspaper company counts as a freedom fighter.

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