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Let's Cut And Run

Can somebody tell me why are we doing the dirty work for the Americans? Personally I preferred our roles as the UN bitches, the peace keepers. This is the role that makes the Canadians pretty much welcome in any part of the globe.

So here's to you Jack Layton for saying something that's been on my mind for awhile.

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Canada should withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as soon as possible, NDP Jack Layton demanded Thursday.

"This is not the right mission for Canada," Layton told reporters at a news conference.

Layton said the mission in Afghanistan is not making the world a safer place and, with no end in sight, he wants troops home by February 2007 at the latest.

Layton said the current mission has no clear mandate, no criteria to measure its success, no timeline and no exit strategy.

"We believe we should bring our troops back," he said.

Layton accused the Harper government of "blindly following" the lead of the Bush administration when making foreign policy decisions.

"It’s time once again for a made-in-Canada foreign policy … it’s time for Canada to reclaim its place in the world," Layton said.

Parliament narrowly voted in May to extend Canada’s mission in Afghanistan to 2009; the NDP opposed the motion.

Layton prefaced his call for troops to come home by saying that not supporting the mission in Afghanistan doesn’t mean a lack of support for Canadian military.

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