The R Rated Blogger

Parti Quebecois Equates Quebec Under Charest As A Battered Woman

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An ad by the Parti Quebecois has caused a bit of controversy in Quebec. The ad in question depicts Quebec under Jean Charest’s leadership as a battered woman. The Ad featured on the website, shows an actress playing a teacher and a mother who feels like a battered woman because of the rise in the cost of nurseries from $5 to $7 a day.

She describes her feelings under the Charest Government in terms of being in an abusive relationship.

“When I first chose him, the relationship was like a honeymoon, full of good intentions, promises… then one day I realized that he had lied to me. I had to endure this for 4 years, it's been hell. It's necessary that I have to put an end to this relationship. I had enough, help me”. Then a voice over comes on and says “Help Genevieve put an end to this unhealthy relationship.”

You can view the Ad in question here. It's in French, so is the article.

There is an English summary of this story here.

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