The R Rated Blogger

Stephen Harper And The Kyoto Accord

All other fun little things Stephen Harper said about the Kyoto Accord:

  • “As economic policy the Kyoto Accord is a disaster. As environmental policy it is a fraud.” (Stephen Harper, Address at the Ottawa Leader’s Dinner, November 20, 2002)

  • “No, what I am supportive of is, frankly, not ratifying the Kyoto agreement and not implementing it.” (Stephen Harper, CTV News, September 6, 2002)

  • "[Kyoto] is designed to address the so-called 'greenhouse gas' phenomenon, the hypothesis that the increase of certain gases - not necessarily pollutants - contribute to a long-term global warming trend.” (Stephen Harper, Address at the Ottawa Leader’s Dinner, November 20, 2002)

  • “The accord does negatively impact every region of the country. So rather than talk up separation, it is important to build a coalition across the country to defeat Kyoto.” (Stephen Harper, Report Newsmagazine, December 16, 2002)

  • “This is just the beginning of the biggest black-hole boondoggle in Canadian history.” (Stephen Harper, National Post, August 13, 2003)

  • “We think the deal itself [Kyoto] is simply bogus.” (Transcript of Stephen Harper interview on the Rafe Mair Show, CKNW Radio Vancouver, November 29, 2002)

  • “…there is no environmental benefit [to Kyoto] of any kind.” (Transcript of Stephen Harper interview on the Rafe Mair Show, CKNW Radio Vancouver, November 29, 2002)

  • “Carbon dioxide which is a naturally occurring gas vital to the life cycles of this planet. Smog is an entirely different issue is not covered by this treaty.” (Transcript of Stephen Harper interview on the Rafe Mair Show, CKNW Radio Vancouver, November 29, 2002)

  • “The Kyoto protocol does not deal with critical environmental issues.” (Stephen Harper, Address on the Kyoto Accord, December 9, 2002)

  • “...Canada's implementation will not lead to global reductions of CO2. In fact the transfer of wealth, jobs and emissions to non-target countries virtually ensures that carbon dioxide emissions will increase under the Kyoto Protocol.” (Stephen Harper, Address at the Ottawa Leader’s Dinner, November 20, 2002)

  • “I don’t think we should consider signing on to a deal that makes us virtually the sole country in the world that is going to take any action.” (Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, September 5, 2002)

  • “Kyoto does virtually nothing to deal with pollution and to deal with the quality of the air that we breathe. Let’s forget about this unworkable treaty…. Kyoto’s never going to be passed.” (Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, September 5, 2002)

  • “Carbon dioxide does not cause or contribute to smog, and the Kyoto treaty would do nothing to reduce or prevent smog.” (Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, June 10, 2004)

  • ”[The Kyoto Accord is] a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations... [The Accord is] based on tentative and contradictory scientific evidence about climate trends." (Stephen Harper, Canadian Alliance fundraising letter, Fall 2002)

  • "Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant." (Stephen Harper, Hansard, October 11, 2002)
  • “[Global warming is] a scientific hypothesis and a controversial one.” (Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, September 5, 2002)

  • "This may be a lot of fun for a few scientific and environmental elites in Ottawa," he said "But ordinary Canadians from coast to coast will not put up with what this will do to their economy and lifestyle…" (Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, September 5, 2002)

  • "We can debate whether or not... CO2 does or does not contribute to global warming. I think the jury is out." (Stephen Harper interview on the Rafe Mair Show, CKNW Radio Vancouver, November 29, 2002)

  • “My party’s position on the Kyoto Protocol is clear and has been for a long time. We will oppose ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and its targets. We will work with the provinces and others to discourage the implementation of those targets. And we will rescind the targets when we have the opportunity to do so.” (Stephen Harper, Ottawa Citizen, November 22, 2002)

  • “Redirect federal spending aimed at fulfilling the terms of the increasingly irrelevant Kyoto Protocol.” (Stephen Harper, Ottawa Citizen, June 8, 2005)

  • “We’re gearing up now for the biggest struggle our party has faced since you entrusted me with the leadership. I’m talking about the “Battle of Kyoto”- our campaign to block the job-killing, economy-destroying Kyoto accord.” (Stephen Harper, Canadian Alliance fundraising letter, Fall 2002)

  • "As the effects trickle through other industries, workers and consumers everywhere in Canada will lose. THERE ARE NO CANADIAN WINNERS UNDER THE KYOTO ACCORD.” (Stephen Harper, Canadian Alliance fundraising letter, Fall 2002)
Taken from the Liberal Party's Home Page.

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