The R Rated Blogger

Best Friends Forever

So are we like BFF now?

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Canadians and Americans appear to be warming up to each other again as friends and allies, with a majority of those polled in both countries saying Canada is now pulling its weight when it comes to protecting the border...The poll, while continuing to reflect stresses and strains, finds that an increasing number of Canadians view the United States as their closest friend and ally. Of those Canadians surveyed, 58 per cent consider Americans as their closest allies, up five percentage points from last year.

Similarly, when asked whether they view the U.S. more as a friend than a foe, 85 per cent of Canadians said a friend, compared to 73 per cent who responded that way one year ago. Similarly, 90 per cent of Americans called Canada a friend rather than a foe, up eight percentage points.

Mind you the the poll was done by The Canada Institute of the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Toronto-based Canada Institute on North American Issues. The same center is honouring PM Stephen Harper with an award on thursday for public service. Anybody else find that weird?

Since the Conservatives don't pay attention to polls this shouldn't matter to them.

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