The R Rated Blogger

Liberal MP Wajid Khan Joins The Conservatives

Liberal MP Wajid Khan defected to the Conservative party today.

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Mr. Khan, who has been serving as Harper's special adviser on the Middle East and Afghanistan since last summer, is crossing the floor to the Tory government benches, shifting the delicate balance of power in the 308-seat House of Commons.

“I must say that I did not come to this decision lightly,” Mr. Kahn said. “But quite frankly, the Liberal Party has moved away from people like me.

“People who believe in free enterprise, support for families and a stronger, more assertive Canada on the world stage.”

Mr. Khan also cited party leadership as an important factor in his decision, describing Mr. Harper as “the best leader for Canada.”

“I wanted to keep work with this Prime Minister — to protect our national security, to advance and defend Canada's interests on the world stage and to ensure that Canada works for all Canadians,” he said.

More here.

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